214. Business Leaders' lessons from the global IT outage Jul 31, 2024

10,000 flight cancellations, disruptions in the UK National Health Service, and the banking sector cast into turmoil.

The CrowdStrike outage sent the entire world into disarray.

In this episode of the Tech For Non-Techies podcast, host Sophia Matveeva imparts crucial knowledge on how to prevent...

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205. What the No Code Revolution is and why it matters May 29, 2024


No code tools have opened opportunities up for innovators, and especially for non-technical founders.

But, they have their limits, and not everybody thinks that they’re a great idea.

Listen to this episode to learn what the No Code revolution is and when No code tools are a must...

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202. The opportunity is NOW May 08, 2024

There is a gap between when a technology gets invented, and its wide adaption.

In this gap, is exactly where the best opportunities lie.

Listen to this episode to learn why we are in the time of opportunity, and how to make the most of it.

You will learn:

  • What the path that electricity took...
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191. How generative AI is changing the legal industry Feb 21, 2024

Large Language Models and Generative AI are going to have the biggest impact on word heavy industries.

This means that the legal industry is on the brink of major changes. This will affect how lawyers work, what clients expect and the future profits of the industry.

In this episode, you...

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190. Competing in the Age of AI Feb 14, 2024

Hype about generative AI is everywhere, but much simpler AI models have already changed entire industries. 

By learning about how AI has already changed business, we can make predictions about what's next.

In this episode you will learn key lessons from Competing in the Age of AI: Strategy...

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189. How to build a unicorn in 2024 Feb 07, 2024

10 years ago Silicon Valley venture capitalist Aileen Lee coined the term "unicorn" to describe a young company valued at over $1 billion. 

Back in 2013, there were just 39 unicorns in the US, and Lee's team researched what they did and who ran them. This list informed much of how we thought...

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186. Why the Design Thinking market is growing & how to benefit Jan 17, 2024

The Design Thinking market is predicted to grow 5x more than the US economy in 2024. This is because C Suite decision makers are choosing to buy design thinking and innovation services.

Listen to this episode to learn how to make the most of this trend for your careeer, whether you're a...

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184. What AI will disrupt in 2024 and how to get ready Jan 03, 2024

We are still at the beginning of the AI revolution, but in 2024 some of the world's oldest and richest industries are going to get disrupted by it. 

Listen to this episode to learn:

  • The difference between Generative AI vs Large Language Models
  • Why generative AI could get you...
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174. What stock market investors REALLY need to know about tech Oct 25, 2023

Tech companies have changed the stock market and the economy. But, to be a Smart Money investor, what do you really need to know about tech?

Listen to this interview with Richard Kramer to find out.

Richard is a renowned stock market analyst and founder of Arete Research, an independent...

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155. How generative AI is changing business and the economy Jun 14, 2023

ChatGPT reached 100 million users in just 2 months after launch, and generative AI has already changed how many professionals do their jobs today. But, how has it already changed business and how will it impact the economy?

In this episode, you will hear from Professor Avi Goldfarb, co-author of...

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153. Social graph vs Interest graph: AI lessons from TikTok & Instagram May 31, 2023

Would you rather listen to a song by an artist you already love? Or an unknown artist and try something new? 

Most people want a combination of the familiar and the new.

In social media terms, this is the social graph vs the interest graph. The social graph refers to content from your...

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139. The quickest introduction to the Metaverse Feb 22, 2023

The metaverse hasn't yet gone mainstream, but it is already changing changing how we work and play.

For some companies, the metaverse is their digital transformation, which makes understanding it a key Digital Leadership skill today.

Listen to this short episode to hear the most sensible...

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